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Textile Testing & Quality Control


1. What is quality, control, and quality control?

2. What is product control & process control with example?

3. How can govern quality control by Men, machine and material?

4. What is moisture regain &Moisture content?

5. What is the effect of RH% on the textile mills?

6. What is RH%?

7. Standard testing atmospheric condition

8. What is the importance of QC in textile sector?

9. Std moisture regain of cotton, PES, Nylon, Jute & Silk

10. What is correct invoice weight (CIW)?

11. What is Hysteria’s effect?

12. What is swelling?

13. Mention some instrument involved to measure RH% & MR%

14. Meaning of CSIRO: Common Wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization

15. What is Tenacity? Average tenacity of cotton and jute fiber?

16. What is breaking length and breaking extension?

17. What is stress, strain, yield stress, yield strain and yield point?

18. What is elasticity, plasticity?

19. Mention some fiber strength testing instruments

20. What is fiber fineness?

21. What is the relation between maturity ratio and fiber fineness?

22. What types of fiber are found on the basis of maturity?

23. Mention the theoretical range of maturity ratio

24. What is count (definition given Textile institute)?

25. What is conditioned count?

26. What is the difference between direct and indirect counting system?

27. Mention some available count in direct and indirect system

28. Definition and relation of counting systems

29. Mention some available instruments to measure the yarn count

30. What term is used to express the fineness of fiber and yarn?

31. What is the system used for the fineness of fiber?

32. What is relation between yarn dia and count?

33. What is twist and why twist is inserted?

34. What is s twist and z twist?

35. What is the relation between TPI and count?

36. What is the effect of twist on fabric properties?

37. Mention some name of instruments to measure the amount of twist in yarn

38. How can you measure the fineness of fiber?

39. What is sampling and objects of sampling?

40. What is random and biased sampling?

41. Define drape and drape co-efficient

42. Explain WI

43. How can you improve crease resistance properties of a fabric?

44. Mention the name of the methods of water repellency testing

45. What are the points to be recommended for careful consideration in Bundesmann water repellency testing?

46. What are the expressions we use to measure textile irregularity?

47. What do you understand by “Periodic Variation”?

48. What is the principle of fabric thickness measurement?

49. What is the relationship between crimp% & take up%?

50. What do you mean by nep count?

51. Define the term fabric stiffness, drape co-efficient, serviceability and water permeability

52. Explain- C.R.L, C.R.E & C.R.T.

53. What are the properties to be considered for carpet grading?

54. What care should be done in sizing process?

55. How can you Asses the quality of a finished fabric?

56. Mention some mechanical faults in weaving?

57. What are the causes of loop length variation in weft knitting?

58. In place of 12kg of Hydrogen per oxide (35%)w/w , What would be the equivalent amount of 50% w/w ?

59. What do you mean by total hardness of water and what is the standard hardness of dye-house water?

60. How can you determine the presence of starch in the fabric?

61. What do you mean by EDTA?

62. Define cloth cover factor.

63. What is the relationship between the cloth cover & air permeability?

64. Explain TIV. Where it is used?

65. What do you mean by PPM?

66. Mention some process problems due to water hardness.

67. Is there any difference between air permeability & air porosity?

68. Define bending length.

69. What do you mean by yarn imperfection?

70. What do you mean by +50% thick place or –50% thin place?

71. Mention some uses of stroboscope & Tachometer.

72. Mention some uses of variance length curves.

73. Define tensile strength, tearing strength & bursting strength.

74. What are the causes of shade variation in

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